CyberGhost Review

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Honest and Professional Review About CyberGhost VPN

The experts wrote an honest CyberGhost VPN review and concluded using this service. If you have any questions about this site, then check out our article.

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7800 Servers
91 Countries
45 Days
$2.60 Per Month
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  • support for OpenVPN, L2TP, IPsec, SSTP, and PPTP protocols;
  • the ability to mask the IP address;
  • CyberGhost malware blocker checks the URL of the requested site;
  • the ability to ensure the protection of electronic payments;
  • unlimited bandwidth and traffic;
  • automatic blocking of the device;
  • 7-day trial period;
  • does not protect against DNS and IP leaks;
  • the free version has limited functions;

CyberGhost VPN Overview - Everything You Need to Know

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Rae Hodge, David Gewirtz, Matrin Eden
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the CyberGhost VPN. Some users claim that the site provides excellent services. Other users say the opposite and urge not to use this server. Which one is right? Our experts decided to investigate this issue and did an honest review based on professional indicators.

What Is a VPN?

Many popular resources are closed to the public. There is a workaround for these restrictions. Such a tool is Virtual Private Network. This is an encrypted internet connection that masks your real IP address. VPN allows access to prohibited resources and guarantees user anonymity.

Virtual Private Network changes the current IP to another country's address, thus hiding the user's reallocation. This type of connection ultimately conspires with the history of site visits. The user is provided with anonymity and safety of actions. You can safely use your confidential data, such as credit card codes. VPN makes it possible to view resources blocked by the provider, play online games without speed limits. Encryption allows you to protect the conversation via Internet telephony from eavesdropping.

To use Virtual Private Network, you need to install the program on your computer or a VPN extension for your browser. When connecting, select an IP address and click the connect button. After finishing surfing, disconnect the connection. Now that you have a quick look at what VPN is, we can get down to other important details.

Hands-On With Brand CyberGhost VPN

CyberGhost VPN is a site developed by Romanian and German programmers to provide VPN services for users from all countries. Today the site is used by over 10 million people. CyberGhost VPN has 6638 servers available in 89 countries. If you compare with competitors, then this is the average value. Other sites provide over 8000 servers. This program can be used by owners of Windows, Mac, iOS, Android.

CyberGhost VPN does not stand out from other brands for its services, but it has a few additional features. These features include blocking malicious websites, ads, and trackers. CyberGhost VPN allows customers to connect programs on seven devices, which saves money. Compared to competitors, it is convenient because some brands provide access to only five devices. But we would like to note that the user whose devices meet the program's requirements can connect to seven devices. That is, the devices must be of the same company or not too much overload the VPN.

CyberGhost VPN Main Page Main Page

CyberGhost Key Summary

Data Cap Unlimited
Logging Policy No Logs
Data Leaks No
Jurisdiction Romania
Servers 6,700+
IP Addresses 6,700+
Countries 91
US Netflix Yes
Torrenting Permitted
Works in China No
Support 24/7 Live Chat
Cheapest Price $2.75/mo over 24 Months
Official Website

Pricing and Features

CyberGhost VPN Pricing and Features

As of today, a one-month subscription to CyberGhost VPN is $ 11.99, but a couple of months ago, it was $ 12.99. Developers reduce the price because the number of users is getting smaller, and competitors connect to VPN better. If you examine other sites, you can find a very reasonable price for a monthly subscription. The price ranges from $ 9 to $ 12.

On the site, you can find such an offer as a 'limited offer.' This statement means that you can subscribe to an annual subscription for $ 45 and receive as a gift several additional months for using a VPN. That is, your payment for one month is $ 3.75. But then the price only rises because you have been using it for several months for free. For some reason, the program developers are silent about this.

If you study the competitors, at first glance, paying $ 3.75 per month for an annual subscription will turn out to be acceptable, but let's look at the situation from the other side. Today many sites offer their services for only $ 2.49 for an annual subscription, and the quality is much higher. Why is it worth overpaying $ 1.26 for a VPN subscription if there are better deals?

CyberGhost VPN also offers a two-year subscription for $ 76.56. The monthly payment is $ 3.19. We want to point out that the offer is also not profitable. After all, for such a price or even lower, you can get a three-year subscription on other sites. If you are looking for long-term use of a VPN, then we do not recommend CyberGhost, as the site has set too high a price, and the quality should be better.

Another feature of the site is the 'VPN Bundle' feature. This feature gives you access to PassCamp's cloud-based password manager and CyberGhost ID Guard Protection. What does this mean? The program will inform you if your email address is being hacked due to data leakage. Now the question arises - how can data get into the hands of third parties if they guarantee complete confidentiality? Accordingly, it is worth concluding that their security system is too weak, but we will discuss this later. You can get a VPN Bundle subscription for $ 3.25 within the first 18 months. If you want to use the program longer, the price will go up. The price for additional services on this site can be $ 9 per year, which is very expensive for the average American, not to mention other countries' residents.

VPN Protocols

VPNs use a protocol that protects any information passing through the server. This protocol creates a secure connection and also affects the type of encryption that the VPN uses. Security protocols aren't as good as a real private network, though. There are different types of protocols that are used for different reasons. In general, the most secure protocol is OpenVPN, and it is usually the best protocol to use. CyberGhost VPN uses this protocol.

CyberGhost VPN Speed Test
CyberGhost VPN Speed Test 2

Also, this site offers protocols such as TCP / UDP, IKEv2, WireGuard. Depending on your interests, the service itself selects the protocol that is suitable for your server. In case the chosen automatic protocol does not suit you, you can choose another one. We want to point out that CyberGhost VPN has only a small selection of protocols to choose from. From the whole list, only Windows can choose different types of protocols. In a macOS situation, only IKEv2 will do. It's worth concluding that CyberGhost VPN didn't bother with the protocols. The number of protocols is too small, which entails consequences. Not all users will be able to connect to the required protocol.

Servers and Server Locations

When you choose a VPN server, you should pay attention to the number of locations. Why? When you want to hide your real location using a VPN, you need to choose the most optimal one, which does not affect the Internet's speed. The more locations in the VPN server, the more chances you have to encrypt data from third-party sites and viruses.

CyberGhost provides the ability to connect to 90 countries. If we compare with competitors, this is a wide choice, but there is always a second side of the coin. If you look closely at CyberGhost's servers, you will notice various countries such as Hong Kong, Russia, Vietnam, and the Netherlands, but there are no servers in Turkey. This means that at least one country cannot use the site. Yes, CyberGhost has covered the most advanced countries but did not think about all the users who desperately need a VPN.

CyberGhost has over 4,900 servers worldwide. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable country with a maximum connection speed. Or choose the geolocation in which the resources you need will not be blocked. Surely you think that if a site has many servers, then a VPN can work from anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, this is not the case. CyberGhost, due to many servers, does not have time to cope with everyone and maintain stable operations. Due to unstable work, users do not get the desired quality and lose money.

Speed: How Fast is Brand?

For several days, the expert tested the CyberGhost server. Experts encrypted IP in two places at once. When testing a VPN, the expert used wireless and Ethernet connections. During the experiment, the researcher noticed the following result: one server offered a lower speed of broadband access, and another server offered higher speeds over the fiber-optic Internet, as for the United States, where the Internet speed depends on the state and the provider, and not on the VPN's location. It is also worth noting that when experimenting, the speed of loading a website or downloading a game, when connected to a VPN, is still lower.

If you are at the stage of choosing a site that will provide a high-quality VPN connection, then you must test the server before buying a subscription. When testing CyberGhost, 50% of the internet speed was lost, which indicates a poor quality server. If you want to download a program and cannot do without a VPN, you will have to spend a day downloading a large file.

CyberGhost has the slowest internet speed. At the moment, there are sites that, for an affordable price, can provide you with a 25% loss in Internet speed, but 50% like CyberGhost. This situation is very likely for CyberGhost. The founders of the site do not want to waste money on improving the server. For a lot of money, they do not provide the required quality of Internet speed. Plus, over the past few years, CyberGhost has added over 2,000 servers without even thinking about how much they slow down your internet speed.

Now let's take a closer look at the parameters of the experiment. When connected to a VPN, Australian websites load at 144 megabits per second. The researcher found the highest rates on Parisian servers - 327 megabits per second, but the speed dropped to 182 megabits per second after a while. The work of sites without VPN was equal to the speed of 217 megabits per second. That is, we came to the conclusion that of all the testing servers, only the French servers showed high data. As for the UK, the average speed was only 128 megabits per second. The Amerikan servers turned out to be the weakest - their performance is only 55 megabits per second. But most of all, we were surprised by the Internet speed of the Singapore servers - their indicators are five megabits per second. It is worth concluding that CyberGhost does not provide consistent internet speed for all users.

We will also note one very interesting fact. When using CyberGhost for Windows, the user will not get the same Internet speed as a macOS user. With the expert's help, the researcher found such indicators. When connecting to a New York server, the Internet speed on Windows was 85 megabits per second, while on macOS, the Internet speed was 340 megabits second. Most likely, the CyberGhost developers were unaware of the big gap. Their phrase - "you can use VPN on all devices," is wrong because the speed will be very different.

Security and Privacy

Security and Privacy

Agree, when using a VPN server, all that worries us in the first place is security and confidentiality. After all, we pay money for quality service and want to be sure that the product does what it claims. After all, if hidden details are discovered when using a VPN, CyberGhost may endanger your device. This is very important for the VPN you use because, in fact, the site also tracks your actions on the Internet, and any information leak can lead to bad consequences. If you consider CyberGhost in terms of security and privacy, then their promises remain only on paper. Everything looks different.

CyberGhost in the privacy policy section provided all the data about which site collects information and for what purposes it uses. Still, all the pitfalls can be seen by the user only after purchasing a server subscription. A competent specialist compiled the privacy policy section, and it is very carefully thought out. Still, an ordinary client does not understand all the points and agrees to some points that contradict the laws. Even though the privacy policy is competently framed, it is still difficult to read and perceive. CyberGhost provides bad explanatory notes on some points. An ordinary person does not understand this. CyberGhost should simplify this section so that an inexperienced user can understand all the points and not be fooled.

CyberGhost has indicated in its privacy policy that it does not store data such as IP address, DNS requests, browsing history, time of connection and connection to the server, duration of stay on the site. At first glance, everything is straightforward and transparent, and offers are available, there is no doubt. But the site employees anonymously claim that they collect such information as customers' identity, user activity if such information is in an accessible form. For what purposes they need such information, the workers did not indicate. CyberGhost also collects and stores CPU load information, available memory, and other data not covered in the privacy policy.

CyberGhost claims the site generates revenue from customers who subscribe. But by examining the site, you can see that the management is actively providing advertising services. That is, other sites pay for CyberGhost to promote their services through advertising. CyberGhost endangers users because by clicking on the link, you can get to the scam website, and CyberGhost is not responsible for this.

Because not all sites provide legal use of VPN, you need to make sure that the VPN companies have their headquarters and actively cooperate with the legal jurisdiction. That is, if the company can give you a document that legally confirms its activities, you can resolve any disputed issues in court. Looking specifically at CyberGhost, it has offices throughout Europe. The headquarters are located in Bucharest and Romania but are governed by legal regulations by Romanian legislation. The company assures that it does not store personal data and does not give out information at third parties' request, but does not hide being subjected to cyber-attacks.

Streaming – Does CyberGhost Work With Netflix?

Does CyberGhost Work With Netflix

Netflix is one of the most aggressive platforms out there, blocking any VPN connection attempt. If you are a Netflix lover looking for a reliable site to bypass the blocking, this is not CyberGhost. This server has recently had problems trying to bypass VPN blocking for Netflix. Some users located outside the US may have problems such as blocking streaming from a VPN server in the US. That is, the VPN server refused to connect to US sites. If you have a problem, should you subscribe to CyberGhost? Of course not.

If you want stability, then you need another site. All VPN servers offered by CyberGhost are performing poorly. One day you get access. The next day, access may be closed. What is it connected with? Netflix correctly notices attempts to enter the site with the help of a VPN and monitors IP addresses. Therefore, if you want to enter from the same server, you will not succeed since Netflix most likely remembered your IP. To avoid this, you need to buy a subscription on those sites where IP addresses are regularly updated.

Support and Design

CyberGhost Support

The support service is organized, but the waiting time for answering a question is from an hour to a whole day. If you have any questions about installing the VPN application, the support service will not answer the question. Managers immediately direct you to the Guides section, containing all the installation instructions and information about the program's main functions.

When it comes to content and design, users are increasingly picking on the similarities to other companies. CyberGhost does not provide zest in its service and does not bother with the articles it publishes. For example, you can look at the article about whether it is worth using a VPN, and you will immediately notice that the article does not meet expectations. The site is likely to advertise its services instead of telling about a VPN's features and the functions that a typical user should know about. Or you will open an article that states that WireGuard performs better than other protocols. The comparison is with OpenVPN, but where are the other protocols? Again the impression is that this is an advertisement for one protocol. It is also indicated that WireGuard works for both Windows and macOS, but this is far from the case. One gets the impression that the flock was written by a non-professional author who does not understand anything in the VPN.

CyberGhost's search engine is quite simple and may not always meet your needs. The search engine picks up articles and answers that match the keywords. As a result, you will see a lot of information, but you cannot find the right one. The site also gives out all the results in such a format that you read only what the service needs.

On the site, in the lower right corner, there is a "Support" button. If you want to ask a question, then feel free to write there. The site has a bot that can answer a common question. However, if you need expert advice, the wait can take quite a long time since few specialists are on the site. After waiting for an expert, you may not always get an answer to a question. For example, asking the question - what additional services does CyberGhost have and at what price, the specialist will give only vague advice. This kind of type - it all depends on your desires and requirements.

Pros and Cons

VPN connection software is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, routers, and other devices. The program has many settings, several profiles, and functions. CyberGhost VPN servers in some countries also support the P2P protocol, making it possible to download torrents from prohibited resources. As a free VPN, it is inconvenient due to significant access restrictions and intrusive ads.


  • support for OpenVPN, L2TP, IPsec, SSTP, and PPTP protocols;
  • interface in different languages;
  • the ability to mask the IP address;
  • traffic encryption using the AES 256-bit algorithm;
  • CyberGhost malware blocker checks the URL of the requested site;
  • the ability to ensure the protection of electronic payments;
  • optimized with Windows 10;
  • access to more than 1250 servers around the world;
  • the ability to download torrent from prohibited resources;
  • lack of activity logs;
  • unlimited bandwidth and traffic;
  • automatic blocking of the device;
  • simultaneous connection of up to 7 devices.


  • the free version contains advertising content;
  • 7-day trial period;
  • the free version has limited functions;
  • does not protect against DNS and IP leaks;
  • it doesn't work out of the box. You will have to manually select your protocol and server before the CyberGhost Windows app works well;
  • tricky data jurisdiction and anonymity. While the company has an official no-logging policy, some users have noted the use of scripts such as Hotjar, which is a session recording script, at the same time. CyberGhost admits this openly on its website, although it claims the information is being used to serve its customers better;
  • it has limited payment options. It comes down to anonymity again because CyberGhost only accepts credit cards, PayPal, or BitPay. Why do a privacy, security, and anonymity company offer such limited payment options - options that could reveal user details? The site cannot solve this problem today.

Online Reputation

CyberGhost VPN's online reputation isn't the best. After reading the comments, you can conclude that the site ignores the comments and will not fix them. To make sure that CyberGhost VPN offers substandard services, we suggest you read user reviews.

CyberGhost Feedback 1 CyberGhost Feedback 2 CyberGhost Feedback 3 CyberGhost Feedback 4 CyberGhost Feedback 5

Conclusion – Our Experience with CyberGhost VPN

After examining CyberGhost and conducting experiments, we can conclude that the site does not provide quality services. CyberGhost does not care about data that users submit and endanger. The site offers too high a price for the provision of services. CyberGhost will not always be able to unblock Netflix, as it does not track IP address updates. Want to get a quick response? The support service is long and reluctant to answer in chats. CyberGhost hides a lot of information: cyberattacks, information leakage, storage of data that does not comply with the law—still looking to use CyberGhost? Forget it, and your personal information is more expensive than a given server.

FAQ: Answers to the popular questions about CyberGhost VPN

Still have questions about CyberGhost VPN? Then the answers below will give you more information.

Does CyberGhost Work in China?

CyberGhost can not help Chinese people who want to connect to a VPN. Due to the laws of China, the VPN program is prohibited. Only a few sites can handle these restrictions, but keep in mind that you are responsible for using a VPN. CyberGhost has had servers in China for a long time, but this does not give them the ability to work. If you are in China, then CyberGhost cannot help you. This is the biggest problem that the site cannot handle. Also, CyberGhost is not available for use in other large countries. If you want to use Chinese servers, then this is quite real. China provides such servers, but Chinese residents prohibit them. That is, you can access websites from outside China, but VPN does not work in reverse. To date, CyberGhost, it is not possible to break through the Great Firewall of China. What is the problem - is not known. But one thing we know for sure - other sites have long ago solved this situation.

Can you use CyberGhost for free?

As the site says, you can try the trial, pay the monthly cost. If you do not like the services, you can get your money back. But as user reviews show, the site ignores requests for returns after the trial period. If you paid for the program for half a year, then you have 45 days to understand if this site is right for you. But again, a refund, even with such a large payment, cannot always be returned. Sometimes they return only half, and sometimes they look for reasons to refuse you. If you want to make sure the site is useful, it is better to use free browser extensions. However, suppose you have problems with the return of funds. In that case, the user can resolve this issue in court by submitting a payment receipt about the agreement's point. It is indicated that the funds will be returned upon the expiration of the trial period.

Is CyberGhost safe?

It is safe to say that CyberGhost is not secure. The site does not use high-end, modern features, and security programs to protect user’s confidential data. CyberGhost doesn't care about the high level of data encryption, and uses few protocols that all users cannot use. The site is having problems with a DNS leak. Based on user comments, you may not be able to get reliable WiFi and HTTPS protection. Even though the program has built-in blockers of malicious sites and advertisements, CyberGhost provides advertising services to other sites, thereby exposing users' dangers.

CyberGhost has any limitations?

Unfortunately, CyberGhost has limitations. The site states that the server does not limit the bandwidth or user data amount, no matter your tariff plan. However, you won't be able to browse many sites and download programs, as VPN slows down Internet traffic a lot.

What devices does CyberGhost support?

CyberGhost actively supports Windows, Android, Linux, iOS, smart TVs, browsers, routers. However, for each device, the server offers different functions. You will not enjoy a VPN's benefits if you are using Windows since iOS has completely different functions that Windows does not support. CyberGhost divides users.

Who Runs CyberGhost?

Kape Technologies officially runs CyberGhost. People used to know Kape Technologies as CrossRider - a company that provided and developed advertising services for mobile gadgets. As a result, the company received a bad reputation, as it deliberately included adware in its downloads, thereby devaluing its work. Today Kape Technologies has changed its attitude to work and does not repeat the mistakes of CrossRider - that's what the developers say. Now the site provides services to VPN instead of advertising. However, CyberGhost hosts many advertisements for third-party services. Will their specialty change - yes. Did they remove ads - no.

Alternatives to CyberGhost

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ExpressVPN is our top-rated VPN, as it provides an ever-so-slightly better overall experience than NordVPN — but it's very close.

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Privateinternetaccess - one of the best VPN tools for P2P. Supports excellent features like port forwarding.

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